Healing moments occur when we are reminded of our connectedness with wholeness and are touched by the beauty of life. Healing is a spontaneous event that comes about through grace and can happen any time and  any place with or without context of healing session. Sometimes as we watching sunset or smile of a stranger, listening poem or birds singing  we feel deeply touched inside and changed. Body knows when it’s the right time for healing to come to completion.

Few years ago after more then decade of energy healing and massage practice I bumped into the limits of this technique when I realized that beside beautiful and life changing sessions there are people coming back after some time with the same energy blockages and issues. Energy healing brought  a lot of relief to them but when they go back to everyday life  where they need to cope with different levels of relationships, they would go through repetitive overwhelming cycles of emotional reactions.

In the same period I discovered something new by trying to resolve my personal issues and relationships in the family system. This is when I noticed that repetitive patterns of relational trauma have roots in family of origin that shaped our beliefs and where we learned how to relate with others.

In 2023 I started the education process for Systemic Family Constellation Therapy by Bert Hellinger method (founder of constellation’s) with Alemka Dauskardt (Bert Hellinger student) and started to use this knowledge in practice.

Holistic therapy is a process where we go from A to Z first starting with more awareness of the unconscious beliefs and repetitive behaviors that can be destructive and self-sabotaging. When we become aware and let go of beliefs that come from our childhood wounds there is a new sense of belonging to the family of origin free from shame, guilt, anger, fear and blame. This gives the benefit of feeling good and connected with life giving energy that comes from the source of life throughout the family. Complementary with that we do energy healing therapy that helps us to remove blocked emotions, restore harmony at all levels and say YES to life no matter what challenges we went through in the past.

If needed we can also do therapeutic massage that eliminates all accumulated tension created throughout emotional and psychological stress. With all mentioned above and throughout experience I can say that Holistic therapy is a life changing experience.