Interview for Bruzz TV and Spiegel

In case you are here for a massage:

I was born in Belgrade (Serbia) in 1976. Before becoming a massage therapist, I was working in a night club for years. This was great, but also exhausting life experience. In the course of my inner-changing process, I discovered my gift for massage therapy.

I graduated from College for Sports & Health(2,5 years) in Belgrade in 2007. I have previously completed a massage therapy course at certified school Professional led by Pedja Filipovic, a widely recognised massage therapist. Upon completion of a massage course and College for Sports & Health, I kept developing my gift for years, with my teachers and through practice. In light of my life challenges, I also gradually discovered my gift in bioenergy healing. I further developed this talent with the help and guidance of experienced healer from Serbia Mr Dragan Jelisavcic.

Today there is feeling of  joy and gratefulness  to God for this job that I love, enjoy and perform with passion, enthusiasm and  commitment. For the last eleven  years of my life I have been enjoying this fulfilling work, sharing serenity and expanding my knowledge thanks to the trust of people who come to my practice. I integrated all my knowledge and life experience into a holistic approach to life and health. My specialties are bioenergy healing therapy that cures both body and soul  and holistic treatment(mix of healing and therapeutic massage)   Looking forward to meeting you and wishing you good health and inner peace.

If you are interested in soul healing:

LUKE 15:24 

For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.


Born in Belgrade (Serbia) in 1976, the first years of my life were filled with natural harmony. My family had a vacation house in Montenegro, where I spend a lot of time surrounded by mountains, the sea and all the love and care from my parents, since I was an only child. It was a beautiful and romantic childhood. Soon after, I changed 4 different countries without actually moving around since civil war broke out in ex-Yugoslavia when I was a teenager. I was from a mixed marriage ( father Croat, mother  Serb, grandmother from Bosnia). This had a strong impact on my soul and although we were safe and far away from the war zone, it triggered a lot of changes and a long lasting crisis in our society. At the same time there were issues with violence and control inside my family and my protective mechanism was to withdraw emotionally from everything and everyone around. Throughout the years, I accumulated a lot of sadness, fear and anger and sometimes it turned to explosive rage or violence towards others. My protective mechanism to avoid heavy emotions was to withdraw and to blame others (usually my parents) and this continued for many years. Around the age of 18 I started using marihuana like a medicine, to cope with (or avoid) reality and get through the day. The same year, I started dealing marihuana. I had a lot of work, as many people were hopeless during the late 90’s in Belgrade, needing any kind of anesthesia, due to stress and uncertainty from economic sanctions, two wars in one decade, the illegal NATO bombarding in 1999, widespread corruption and violence etc… Just to mention that I was not some criminal although it was illegal but more like that funny guy from “American beauty” that was dealing marihuana while living in the safety of his parents ‘house’.

I lived this way for the next 14 years while enduring a lot of stress and being arrested several times (I spent two short periods in investigative prison). In 2002 I started working in a nightclub. In this time, self-destructive impulses turned to more serious addictions. First with ecstasy and amphetamines, then starting to use cocaine and alcohol to deal with depression. In 2006  I caused a car accident (under the influence of alcohol) in which a childhood friend lost her life. It had a devastating impact and it was a wakeup call but I couldn’t deal with  the sense of guilt. Over the next two years following this incident I fuelled a growing sense of self-destruction by using cocaine and alcohol, almost destroying myself completely in the end. I ended up literally walking like a zombie until one night. It was St John’s day in Orthodox Christianity. I came home high on coke with my heart going at 200 beats per minute. I had a spiritual experience, feeling like I left my body, when I heard a voice asking me to choose the way in which I wanted to continue. It warned me that I will pass over to the spiritual realm(die in order to be healed) if I continue on my path of destructive behavior. Unsure what actually happened, the next day I felt very different and made a strong decision to change something.

In the time that followed I was lucky to have a lot of support from my family so after more than a decade of stressful lifestyle I had time and space to stop and reflect. Due to poor health conditions, such as gastritis, tachycardia, colon surgery, depression and burnout, my family pushed me to  visit a few doctors and a psychiatrist. Besides one experienced 84 year old psychiatrist I didn’t feel understood and everyone seemed very eager to prescribe medication for depression, sleeping etc… This was just my story and experience so please always ask for help from medical professionals cause there are more and more fantastic individuals with soul-body approach that are making the bridge between spirituality and science. Shortly after, I received the news that I was going to have to serve a  4.5 years prison sentence due to a later appeal of both the car accident and selling marihuana. I touched bottom and, beside anxiety, anger and guilt, I had a lot of fears for the future. Somehow there was a strong inner faith that I could help myself without all those pills and I started a step by step process, first with long walks, then Yoga classes, then learning how to meditate. When in deep meditation I heard prayer and discovered that it was Jesus prayer, then I continued with prayer and felt the need to go to church. I did not grow up religious as my family was typical bureaucrats in Communism. When I was younger  my aunt was pushing me to go to church but it didn’t work because I was disappointed with religious dogmas and wars around the world in the name of God, corruption and power games that are unfortunately obvious in every religious organization. I was baptized several years before, when I was 27, in the monastery of Ostrog in Montenegro. This was originally not due to a religious calling. It was actually my first time in church as the idea of getting baptized grew after watching The Godfather movies with a friend who was trafficking marihuana together. We imagined ourselves as serious mobsters and were convinced that this church ritual would connect us like those guys in the movie. At the end it ended up being one of the most profound spiritual experiences (during the ritual I was sweating and barely managed to keep standing on my feet and wanted to cry and scream, it was like the battle of darkness and light started inside my soul and until today whenever I go to Ostrog monastery I feel a strong and healing presence of the Holy Spirit just like that day).

LUKE 15:10 “In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”

Back then I thought my healing process was a bunch of coincidences but from today’s perspective I realize that it was led by an invisible God’s hand. So every time I made an inner effort (with a lot of Faith), the universe was sending someone or something to help me on my way. The next person was a man called Vladimir Zelenak, who learned traditional massage from his grandmother. He was giving me massages and I started learning from him. He was happy to share his knowledge when he recognized my interest and talent because his kids didn’t have the same interest. The same year I finished a massage course with a well-known therapist, Pedja Filipovic. I was practicing on my friends every day and it had a strong healing impact. It was a heart opening experience of how giving is receiving and opposite. Also, I finally managed to graduate at a private college for sport and health after dropping in and out due to addictions over several years. There I received useful knowledge about anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, which are all very useful in my current practice of healing and massage.

Inner changes were happening so fast in the first 2 years that it was hard to get used to a much lighter state of being and to integrate everything. One of the life changing experiences was when I had my first (out of 2) “primal scream”. Funny enough it didn’t happen at therapy. (Later, I discovered that there were books and therapy developed called “primal scream”, when someone goes through many suppressed emotions and traumatic experiences in a short period of time.) I was actually in a group with family and friends and one of them made me laugh with his jokes. At that moment I hadn’t laughed or cried for a long time but this person had an extraordinary sense of humor. The long laughing moved blocked energy from my solar plexus until I started screaming for about 20 full seconds, overwhelmed with pain, rage, fear and darkness then turning into crying. After a few minutes I started shaking while people around were still in shock about what just happened. Only my uncle who spent the entire war-times in Sarajevo felt what was happening and gave me a blanket and walked me to bed. Next  few days were without much movement and speaking it was easier just to wave with my head and I felt relief like a newborn.

Shortly after that experience I felt a strong energy flow throughout my body and hands and started to move them intuitively, holding them in different positions while practicing massage and I received a lot of reactions from others, from removing pain to crying and a sense of peace afterwards. Since I didn’t have any idea what was happening, I started to search for books or any information about energy healing. Barbara Ann Brennan, Rudolph Steiner and Stylianos Atteshlis books and teachings had a most profound impact. Soon after, the universe did its job and sent me love and support (like always) by connecting me with Dragan Jelisavcic, a well known spiritual healer. He was my big support and help in the realization and development of the gift I discovered after that challenging period. (

In 2011 I received the call to serve a prison sentence. I had considered escaping my country and take off to the friend place (penalty expires after 10 years) at Caribbean to avoid prison, when my invisible helpers (spiritual guides) popped in again one day and said “all your life you were choosing what looked like the easiest path, but was it really that in the end? Your soul chooses the  experience that is best for you”. Several seconds later my decision was made even though my rational mind was screaming “are you crazy, how you will survive prison without muscles and what will you do with your life afterwards”. Days  after I visited Dragan Jelisavcic, he confirmed my decision. He said that there are many souls in prison in need of help that I could provide through healing techniques and that this is my path for self-healing.

I ended up in a semi-open prison. That meant that after a while, those who were disciplined, could go out from the closed part to work within a prison economy with vegetables, animals etc… The first month, upon arrival though, you spend in isolation with 10 people until authorities check your behaviour. Soon upon arriving, I started helping other inmates with various issues so fast they would spread the word quickly. People there gave me a nickname: “Doctor”. After a short period, the fear of violence went away cause I felt protected like a polar bear. The entire experience turned into a  university of life, finally having a lot of time for introspection and many opportunities to practice healing, as there were a lot of people in need. On a daily basis, 5 to 10 people would come by for healing treatments. Later even guards and employees asked for treatments. This whole time I  maintained inner prayer. The second part of my sentence, I spent in the open part, first working with vegetables and then as a Shepherd of 50 sheep☺. I had a crisis by being stuck in my mind with questions like; “what to do afterwards, I don’t have any savings, what will happen with my loved ones etc…” One day I was walking, when in one moment I felt God’s love and support, bringing me a sense of peaceful joy inside. It was a forgotten sense of joy, which I hadn’t felt since my early childhood, before the influence of parents and society programs telling me “you need to do this and buy that and finish that university and find this job so you can be happy and deserve love etc… I felt loved and I felt free (funnily enough – in prison) after many years of living imprisoned by programs and beliefs that I took for granted (90% of suffering of today’s humanity is coming from the same place as we lost touch with our own divine nature). It was an experience of quote “what you are looking for is already inside” in practice.

Halfway through my sentence I had a second “primal scream”. It was triggered when I beat a sheep badly with a stick due to an overwhelming rage taking control. Immediately, after a few seconds and the realisation of a dark shadow that came out at the poor animal, I fell on my knees and felt like my personality was falling apart into pieces and that I would lose my mind. I said quietly  “I can not cope with this by myself” and then I heard a voice, “but you are not alone ”, and I started to scream and cry out. All the anger and pain was coming up…

It was a heavy experience like the first one but it brought a lot of peace and relief. Some years later it continued to happen at healing sessions with sensitive, traumatized souls that came for healing and guidance, it is easy today to recognise those souls who are at the edge because I was one of them.

My third life changing experience was reading the holy Bible. I bought it many years ago and kept it beside my bed but didn’t feel ready to open it. Religious fanaticism, blind dogmas, corruption in Church, wars in the name of God, religious authorities in fancy Mercedes’s gave me a lot of doubt about God and his teachings. But in 2011, in an open part of the prison, during the winter, I needed to stay on duty a few nights per week beside sheeps because in that period of the year they gave birth to lambs. I started reading the Bible in the early mornings around 4am. Somehow it was a different state of mind at that period of the day (Vedic science speaks about that) and I remember that it was like a spiritual earthquake and that I was crying like a baby during every gospel. Truth, light, faith, life path and force were radiating in between the lines. It had a strong influence on my soul and perspective of life and reality. You have everything that you need for life there and I warmly recommend you to read it so you can understand what invisible battle is happening for our souls in the world today and throughout the centuries (think that many spiritual teachings and religions around the world are a different sides of a same mountain but I feel blessed to be Orthodox Christian in this lifetime).

In 2013 there were elections and right wing nationalist who promised amnesty for prisoners (to gain more votes) won the elections and I was out of prison after 2,5 years.

I started to work in a wellness centre but after 6 months, life brought me to Brussels, where I started my own practice in 2014. I remember I was struggling with low self-esteem and confidence although after a lot of practice in prison and in the wellness centre I was pretty  good at massage and healing.

At that time, I started with an improvisation theater course, which I continued for 4 years. My motive was to socialize and have fun but in the end it had a profound therapeutic influence because it helped me to understand the mechanism of fear and understand how identifying with the inner monologue triggers insecurities. It resulted in much higher self-confidence in life and work . Also, I learned to listen to others and to be present and more supportive so I can recommend it to everyone ( impro theathre in English).

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12

At the age of 42, family constellation therapy helped me to accept myself, my roots and life on a deeper level. Afterwards  I had an inner call to discover past lives and had beautiful experiences with healer Ronald van de Peppel, an aura and past life reader from Mechelen ( My new insight was that I received a gift for healing in one incarnation many thousands years before BC and that I went through a challenging period in this life in order to remember and awaken that gift. It was a very grounding experience and brought peace and more understanding.

After 13 years of practicing healing sessions and the realization that family relations and transgenerational traumas are an important part of a healing process, in  2023, I started an education to become a family constellation therapist (hopefully till 2025) . Also I’m very interested in the healing potential and use of spiritual herbal medicine (psilocybin) in dealing with traumas etc. Unfortunately, it is still illegal in many countries what mother nature gave us thousands of years ago due to political influence of the biggest narco cartels in the world / pharmaceutical companies.

The new achievements of technology, which accumulate at great pace are drowning humanity in a swamp of total doubt and creating fragile illusions of power over everything, for all of us. This separates human thought, belief and activity even further from our Divine nature.

Today I have a holistic approach to life and see myself like a wounded healer. I’m grateful to all souls that come for healing cause I feel joy, purpose and self healing by helping others. I have never healed anyone, it happens with the mercy of  God for those who are ready for inner change. I feel like a channel for divine energies and I’m there just to remind you who you really are and help you to reconnect and experience again your real nature. And normally that is what brings harmony, peace and healing.

“Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7-7

We are all blessed!

Darko Katalinic